Monday, October 19, 2009

Dinner at the Hotel

So in this land of Casino..... I went to one of the Casino hotel's food court to get my dinner....
It was a place of poor char kwe tiau that has to rest in peace in my stomach before continue its journey to the '.....' ... What makes it's different from other char kwe tiau?
This one, you can choose what you want in your char kwe tiau, beside the kwe tiau itself....
Mine consist of lots of chopped tomatoes.... mushroom, and green veggies.... plus pieces of chicken meat...
Then the chef will cook it on the hot flat iron surface in front of you.... Until it ready to be served...

The taste? Nice... it's Thai style of char kwe tiau... shall I say it pad thai? I never try the authentic pad thai myself, so I can't confirm it...
But it was different style from Indonesian tek tek kwe tiau..... or Malaysian char kwe tiau....

Then after that we straight away to the beverage counter to get some fluid to flush away those remaining char kwe tiau in our mouth.... he

First I tried to order the coconut blend.... not available...
Then Milk Tea.... not available
Hot Chinese Tea... not available....
That's all was in the menu... really
Until Lemon blend .... Finally available

Then the waiter began to blend the lemon juice along with the ice....
I keep watching in front of the counter.... Then I saw he's started to taste the juice from the blender.... using a spoon directly into his mouth.....
Then he put back the spoon, on some glass....
I thought.. fine..maybe just taste the juice.... He then put some more sugar .... with the same spoon... yes... with the same spoon...
I lose my appetite to flush my mouth ...
Before I speak to cancel the order... he then taste AGAIN the juice using the very same spoon and put back the spoon on the glass that when I see it closer, it's a glass of sugar... Jeez... other people will buy that juices consist with that sugar contaminated sugar.... !
So I finally cancelled the order... and pay only 2 beverages of my friends that was ordered earlier....

The floor manager was there,... and asking me in Thai language.... I just furiously silent... and keep saying that I will not pay for that damn juice ..

Then I was thinking ... is that the same behavior of most of waiter/tress of hotel restos? How about cheaper restos then....

Well, since I am a dine out regulars ... no choice than to think as long as my eyes not catch it, just pretend don't know....


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